Hearts Deluxe App Reviews

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It is an excellent game, if it wouldnt crash ALL the time. It is addicting and fun, and once this glitch is fixed... It will be a 4 star game.


The game has problems but 3 stars for their personal email assuring me that they are working on an update.

No gooooood

Still crashes damn this suks because its an awsome game

Needs crash issue fixed

Very nice graphics, but repeatedly crashes after a dozen or so hands and has to be reinstalled. Cant recommend unless/until that bug is fixed.

What a joke!

Did they take the money and run? It appears that the program owners have abandoned this project. The program simply does not work. To complete any game, win or lose is not possible. The screen randomly turns blue, then after that the game is locked out and cannot be played again without a deletion and reinstall. Then the same thing happens all over again. Dont buy this obviously incomplete game as it never worked from the beginning. How about a refund? Then remove this junk permanently from the App Store. Thanks for reading.

Nice gameplay

This is a fun version of hearts. I like the graphics, and the computer is a good opponent. It blocked my attempts to shoot the moon a couple of times. I also like the way you can tailor the preferences to the version of the rules youre used to. A few more options for themes would be nice, and it really should let you see the last trick taken (especially if youre continuing a prior game) but overall this is a really great game. [Edit for Version 1.3] Just downloaded the new patch. It addresses the issue I had about not seeing the last trick played (gotta love a developer who actually pays attention to what their customers have to say). The new background colors are decent. They appear to be basically just a palette shift, but its still nice to have choices.

Great AI

Best AI of any iPhone hearts game. Tends to pass high hearts and aces making it easier to shoot the moon, but it plays the cards intelligently. Would be nice to pause and review the passed cards.

Yeah right

WTF. Will lead with the queen of spades for no apparent reason and with no chance of shooting the moon. Still looking for a legitimate error free hearts game.

Leads with Hearts

Virtual players will lead with hearts before theyve been broken(played), which is basically cheating. The "players" seem to play at all the same skill level and seem to be there just for stats, which are actually then skewed because you play every game while many players sit out. Still, the players dont seem to make the obviosly dumb moves some other apps do I do like the ability to view the last trick. I dont like that you cant pick and hold your next card to throw before the player before you plays their card. Is it worth paying for? $1 app, you get what you pay for.

Innacurate scoring

Sometimes gives you points, other times doesnt. Plus a number of the ai players play like fools. Wish there was one solid hearts app, but so far, they all blow.

Best Hearts Game in App Store by a tad....but

Updated March 21 - Ive played most of the highest rated Hearts games (which are only 3 stars unfortunately) in the App Store and this seems to be the best of them. Ive played over 250 full games on this app. On the positive side, the game play is fast, the UI is very good -- looks rich, but very simple and makes the cards easy to read and play. There are several color options to choose from. The AI seems to be the best of the bunch, but has one major flaw which Ill mention later. Most of the other Hearts apps are pretty easy to win 80% or more of the time, but this one is a bit more challenging -- my win % is between 55-60%. I havent noticed the scoring errors mentioned in other reviews here. The card designs are very simple and non-standard -- Just a large icon for the suit and a single number/letter for the card -- which makes it very easy to read. Its easy to make a play -- your cards are spaced perfectly and theres no worry about mistakenly playing the wrong card. Same goes with passing cards to your opponents -- you select the cards you want to pass and then double tap to pass them -- so you cant mistakenly pass one or change your mind after youve passed the first card unlike a few other games Ive played. There are 24 computer opponents to choose from and it keeps win/loss stats on them and you. It doesnt appear that they have different playing styles -- pretty much the same AI for each player. The game has one major flaw. The opponents AI will play the Queen of Spades on the first or second time Spades is lead, even though that player has more Spades and the player is not mooning. For example, Ive seen Player A lead the 5 of Spades, then player B throw the Queen of Spades to take that trick, then Player B comes right back and leads another Spade (i.e. the 10 of Spades) on the next trick, then might play a low heart (i.e. the 2 of Hearts) on the following trick. No way hes mooning and no way any player who has played cards would play this way. This doesnt happen every hand, but it seems to happen at least 50% of the time when I dont have the Queen of Spades). I wrote the developer 2-3 months ago about this and got no reply. I wrote him again recently and have yet to get a reply. Not encouraging. Hes released other iPhone apps since and doesnt seem to be interested in fixing this. He has put in some nice features like viewing the scoreboard during a hand, seeing the last trick played/ who played what card -- so I still have some hope and patience that hell fix the Queen of Spades flaw. When he does, Ill move my rating back to 5 stars. For now, its actually 3 to 3.5 stars, but Im putting it at 4 stars for now to give him a chance to fix it.

Much better but still buggy

The original version was always crashing and was missing things like not allowing one to view the last trick or determine the score. The newest version corrects the missing functions, but it crashes whenever I score a winning number of points which makes it very frustrating. I am looking forward to the next revision.


This one is ridiculously annoying. If I play the game one or two times it gets a bug.. The screen turns blue, and then ot wont let you pass cards or see whats being played. I have to delete the game and read load it regularly to get it to stop. Get it fixed!!!

broken heart

i have been having trouble lately with the game not displaying my name correctly. then it keeps changing my options such as the card color, shoot the moon option. other than that its a good game.

Wheres the beef?

I have played 300 games on this app. Won 209. AI patterns becoming obvious: rarely allows you to slip a heart by so lead a high one; if you are dealt 4 or fewer spades, pass 3 clubs; opponents play similarly; easy to run in hearts. Good app. I would love another skill level.

Rigged to Compensate for Shallow AI

I would buy a different version.... eehhhh The AI is basically the same as was in Windows 97. One player is the Sponge, one player is the Saint and one player is the Lever. The Sponge and the Lever only have one objective, and that is to attempt to make you lose. The Sponge will lead with the queen and do totally stupid things which throw off your game and rack up points for themself irrationally, while the Lever will never drop the queen on the Saint, and the Sponge will take the queen on behalf of the Saint. The Saint has perfect knowledge of your card hand, so if you are left with the 4 of clubs shallow and late in the game and the queen has not fallen, the Saint will know this and lead with the 3 of clubs. Wham, you are queened with two hearts by your drop of the 4 of clubs. If you shoot the moon, be careful, it will give you a queen and heart eating hand as "Retribution" AI in the next round or two. No matter what you do, the leads will be exactly what is needed to feed you the queen in two tricks. Then it resumes the normal "Sponge/Saint/Lever" AI. Watch out because the brainless run of points the Sponge tallies up will run out the game before you can execute your strategy to beat the Saint. That is part of the games strategy against you. The Sponge is there to help the Saint win fast before you can recover an advantage. Lead a high heart early with a dangerously strong hand in order to shift it into "Counter-Moon" AI and you will be able to reverse the "Sponge/Saint/Lever" AI to a protective AI and they will start taking the hearts and queen irrationally on your behalf.

Heart Master

Worst Heart game out there. 3 others conspire try to take u down on every hand.


Please update this app to ios7!!! Love this game!!

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